Coating Process
It is the process of coating is the underlying work to bring the metal surface and the ink into close contact so it will not to come off, and the varnish (lacquer / clear) for protection of the inside and outside surfaces for years to come.
There is white coating (white background) and sizing (transparent background that makes use of the material ground) in the base work.
Depending on the contents, select the finishing varnish and apply the inner coating.
(Damage resistance, corrosion resistance, color, etc.)
Painting Work
Coat finishing varnish on metal plate with coater roll.
(Sizing · white coating · varnish etc.)

Send metal sheets one by one with a feeder.

Coat the metal plate with a coater roll.

Change the role according to specifications. (Spot · Straight · Better)
Spot · Straight gauge and adjust the register.

After coating, bake it in the oven and fix it on the metal plate.